We will use a case study approach for the class to understand steps before building machine learning models to ensure the data is robust for making prodections.
This problem statement from an online education platform where we’ll look at factors that help us select the most promising leads, i.e. the leads that are most likely to convert into paying customers.
Our ultimate goal- We shall use the data from previous leads who did convert to a customer and many who did not to build a model that we can use to score incoming leads for preferential retargeting.
The data dictionary for the data set is here
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
df= pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdhar-pycourse/py-datascience-biz/main/practise-datasets/Leads.csv', index_col=0)
(9240, 36)
for i,c in enumerate(df.columns):
0 Lead Number 1 Lead Origin 2 Lead Source 3 Do Not Email 4 Do Not Call 5 Converted 6 TotalVisits 7 Total Time Spent on Website 8 Page Views Per Visit 9 Last Activity 10 Country 11 Specialization 12 How did you hear about X Education 13 What is your current occupation 14 What matters most to you in choosing a course 15 Search 16 Magazine 17 Newspaper Article 18 X Education Forums 19 Newspaper 20 Digital Advertisement 21 Through Recommendations 22 Receive More Updates About Our Courses 23 Tags 24 Lead Quality 25 Update me on Supply Chain Content 26 Get updates on DM Content 27 Lead Profile 28 City 29 Asymmetrique Activity Index 30 Asymmetrique Profile Index 31 Asymmetrique Activity Score 32 Asymmetrique Profile Score 33 I agree to pay the amount through cheque 34 A free copy of Mastering The Interview 35 Last Notable Activity
Index(['Lead Number', 'Lead Origin', 'Lead Source', 'Do Not Email', 'Do Not Call', 'Converted', 'TotalVisits', 'Total Time Spent on Website', 'Page Views Per Visit', 'Last Activity', 'Country', 'Specialization', 'How did you hear about X Education', 'What is your current occupation', 'What matters most to you in choosing a course', 'Search', 'Magazine', 'Newspaper Article', 'X Education Forums', 'Newspaper', 'Digital Advertisement', 'Through Recommendations', 'Receive More Updates About Our Courses', 'Tags', 'Lead Quality', 'Update me on Supply Chain Content', 'Get updates on DM Content', 'Lead Profile', 'City', 'Asymmetrique Activity Index', 'Asymmetrique Profile Index', 'Asymmetrique Activity Score', 'Asymmetrique Profile Score', 'I agree to pay the amount through cheque', 'A free copy of Mastering The Interview', 'Last Notable Activity'], dtype='object')
handle= ['prospsid', 'leadnum', 'origin', 'dne', 'dnc', 'target', 'totviz', 'tos', 'pageviz', 'lastact', 'country', 'splz',
'leadsrc', 'curoccp', 'reason', 'srch', 'mag', 'newsart', 'edforum', 'newsad', 'digitalad', 'reco', 'updates', 'tag', 'leadquality', 'supchncont',
'dmcontent', 'leadprofile', 'city', 'asymactidx', 'asymprofidx', 'asymactscr', 'asymprofscr', 'chkpay', 'freecp', 'lastnotact']
column_map= dict(zip(df.columns, handle))
{'A free copy of Mastering The Interview': 'freecp', 'Asymmetrique Activity Index': 'asymactidx', 'Asymmetrique Activity Score': 'asymactscr', 'Asymmetrique Profile Index': 'asymprofidx', 'Asymmetrique Profile Score': 'asymprofscr', 'City': 'city', 'Converted': 'target', 'Country': 'country', 'Digital Advertisement': 'digitalad', 'Do Not Call': 'dnc', 'Do Not Email': 'dne', 'Get updates on DM Content': 'dmcontent', 'How did you hear about X Education': 'leadsrc', 'I agree to pay the amount through cheque': 'chkpay', 'Last Activity': 'lastact', 'Last Notable Activity': 'lastnotact', 'Lead Number': 'prospsid', 'Lead Origin': 'leadnum', 'Lead Profile': 'leadprofile', 'Lead Quality': 'leadquality', 'Lead Source': 'origin', 'Magazine': 'mag', 'Newspaper': 'newsad', 'Newspaper Article': 'newsart', 'Page Views Per Visit': 'pageviz', 'Receive More Updates About Our Courses': 'updates', 'Search': 'srch', 'Specialization': 'splz', 'Tags': 'tag', 'Through Recommendations': 'reco', 'Total Time Spent on Website': 'tos', 'TotalVisits': 'totviz', 'Update me on Supply Chain Content': 'supchncont', 'What is your current occupation': 'curoccp', 'What matters most to you in choosing a course': 'reason', 'X Education Forums': 'edforum'}
df.rename(columns=column_map, inplace=True)
Index(['prospsid', 'leadnum', 'origin', 'dne', 'dnc', 'target', 'totviz', 'tos', 'pageviz', 'lastact', 'country', 'splz', 'leadsrc', 'curoccp', 'reason', 'srch', 'mag', 'newsart', 'edforum', 'newsad', 'digitalad', 'reco', 'updates', 'tag', 'leadquality', 'supchncont', 'dmcontent', 'leadprofile', 'city', 'asymactidx', 'asymprofidx', 'asymactscr', 'asymprofscr', 'chkpay', 'freecp', 'lastnotact'], dtype='object')
We have no idea what kind of variable it is...
df.target.hist(bins=20, figsize=(6,6), color= 'orange', legend=True)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f523e720910>
cat_vars= df.columns[df.dtypes== 'object'].tolist()
['leadnum', 'origin', 'dne', 'dnc', 'lastact', 'country', 'splz', 'leadsrc', 'curoccp', 'reason', 'srch', 'mag', 'newsart', 'edforum', 'newsad', 'digitalad', 'reco', 'updates', 'tag', 'leadquality', 'supchncont', 'dmcontent', 'leadprofile', 'city', 'asymactidx', 'asymprofidx', 'chkpay', 'freecp', 'lastnotact']
num_vars=df.columns[(df.dtypes!= 'object')].tolist()
['prospsid', 'totviz', 'tos', 'pageviz', 'asymactscr', 'asymprofscr']
count | unique | top | freq | |
leadnum | 9240 | 5 | Landing Page Submission | 4886 |
origin | 9204 | 21 | 2868 | |
dne | 9240 | 2 | No | 8506 |
dnc | 9240 | 2 | No | 9238 |
lastact | 9137 | 17 | Email Opened | 3437 |
country | 6779 | 38 | India | 6492 |
splz | 7802 | 19 | Select | 1942 |
leadsrc | 7033 | 10 | Select | 5043 |
curoccp | 6550 | 6 | Unemployed | 5600 |
reason | 6531 | 3 | Better Career Prospects | 6528 |
srch | 9240 | 2 | No | 9226 |
mag | 9240 | 1 | No | 9240 |
newsart | 9240 | 2 | No | 9238 |
edforum | 9240 | 2 | No | 9239 |
newsad | 9240 | 2 | No | 9239 |
digitalad | 9240 | 2 | No | 9236 |
reco | 9240 | 2 | No | 9233 |
updates | 9240 | 1 | No | 9240 |
tag | 5887 | 26 | Will revert after reading the email | 2072 |
leadquality | 4473 | 5 | Might be | 1560 |
supchncont | 9240 | 1 | No | 9240 |
dmcontent | 9240 | 1 | No | 9240 |
leadprofile | 6531 | 6 | Select | 4146 |
city | 7820 | 7 | Mumbai | 3222 |
asymactidx | 5022 | 3 | 02.Medium | 3839 |
asymprofidx | 5022 | 3 | 02.Medium | 2788 |
chkpay | 9240 | 1 | No | 9240 |
freecp | 9240 | 2 | No | 6352 |
lastnotact | 9240 | 16 | Modified | 3407 |
prospsid | totviz | tos | pageviz | asymactscr | asymprofscr | |
count | 9240.000000 | 9103.000000 | 9240.000000 | 9103.000000 | 5022.000000 | 5022.000000 |
mean | 617188.435606 | 3.445238 | 487.698268 | 2.362820 | 14.306252 | 16.344883 |
std | 23405.995698 | 4.854853 | 548.021466 | 2.161418 | 1.386694 | 1.811395 |
min | 579533.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 7.000000 | 11.000000 |
25% | 596484.500000 | 1.000000 | 12.000000 | 1.000000 | 14.000000 | 15.000000 |
50% | 615479.000000 | 3.000000 | 248.000000 | 2.000000 | 14.000000 | 16.000000 |
75% | 637387.250000 | 5.000000 | 936.000000 | 3.000000 | 15.000000 | 18.000000 |
max | 660737.000000 | 251.000000 | 2272.000000 | 55.000000 | 18.000000 | 20.000000 |
There is little difference as to how Ratio & Interval variables usually are cleaned.
Some of the integers that a are 1/0 are nominal variables
¶The total number of visits made by the customer on the website.
df.totviz.hist(grid=True, bins=100, figsize=(7,7), color='red')
plt.xlabel('Total Visit')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Total Visit')
count 9103.000000 mean 3.445238 std 4.854853 min 0.000000 5% 0.000000 25% 1.000000 50% 3.000000 75% 5.000000 95% 10.000000 max 251.000000 Name: totviz, dtype: float64
treatment of Numeric Values¶Is this value missing because it wasn't recorded or because it doesn't exist?
For a small % of rows that may have a value missing we choose to impute it with mean or median
Small is a relative term- depending on the variability of the variables it may range up to 30-40% of data
If the % is large and imputing a single value may impact predictive power and hence should be dropped
count 9103.000000 mean 3.445238 std 4.854853 min 0.000000 25% 1.000000 50% 3.000000 75% 5.000000 max 251.000000 Name: totviz, dtype: float64
100*df.totviz.isnull().sum()/ len(df)
df.totviz.fillna(df.totviz.median(), axis=0, inplace=True)
df.totviz.fillna(df.totviz.median(), axis=0, inplace= True)
100*df.totviz.isnull().sum()/ len(df)
count 9240.000000 mean 3.438636 std 4.819024 min 0.000000 25% 1.000000 50% 3.000000 75% 5.000000 max 251.000000 Name: totviz, dtype: float64
df1= df.copy(deep=True)
prospsid 0 leadnum 0 origin 36 dne 0 dnc 0 target 0 totviz 0 tos 0 pageviz 137 lastact 103 country 2461 splz 1438 leadsrc 2207 curoccp 2690 reason 2709 srch 0 mag 0 newsart 0 edforum 0 newsad 0 digitalad 0 reco 0 updates 0 tag 3353 leadquality 4767 supchncont 0 dmcontent 0 leadprofile 2709 city 1420 asymactidx 4218 asymprofidx 4218 asymactscr 4218 asymprofscr 4218 chkpay 0 freecp 0 lastnotact 0 dtype: int64
prospsid 0 leadnum 0 origin 0 dne 0 dnc 0 target 0 totviz 0 tos 0 pageviz 0 lastact 0 country 0 splz 0 leadsrc 0 curoccp 0 reason 0 srch 0 mag 0 newsart 0 edforum 0 newsad 0 digitalad 0 reco 0 updates 0 tag 0 leadquality 0 supchncont 0 dmcontent 0 leadprofile 0 city 0 asymactidx 0 asymprofidx 0 asymactscr 0 asymprofscr 0 chkpay 0 freecp 0 lastnotact 0 dtype: int64
(1943, 36)
sns.catplot(data=df, x='totviz', kind= 'box', orient='h', aspect=3)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f523e046d50>
Outlying values don't add significant
Depends on usage and practice. What is seen and expected in reality?
What you want to understand is what are generally acceptable ranges of values
p95= df.totviz.describe(percentiles=[.05,.25,.50,.75,.95]).loc['95%']
df["totviz"] = np.where(df["totviz"] <p5, p5,df['totviz'])
df["totviz"] = np.where(df["totviz"] >p95, p95,df['totviz'])
df["totviz"] <p5
Prospect ID 7927b2df-8bba-4d29-b9a2-b6e0beafe620 False 2a272436-5132-4136-86fa-dcc88c88f482 False 8cc8c611-a219-4f35-ad23-fdfd2656bd8a False 0cc2df48-7cf4-4e39-9de9-19797f9b38cc False 3256f628-e534-4826-9d63-4a8b88782852 False ... 19d6451e-fcd6-407c-b83b-48e1af805ea9 False 82a7005b-7196-4d56-95ce-a79f937a158d False aac550fe-a586-452d-8d3c-f1b62c94e02c False 5330a7d1-2f2b-4df4-85d6-64ca2f6b95b9 False 571b5c8e-a5b2-4d57-8574-f2ffb06fdeff False Name: totviz, Length: 9240, dtype: bool
sns.catplot(data=df, x='totviz', kind= 'box', orient='h', aspect=3)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f5239490e90>
Index(['prospsid', 'leadnum', 'origin', 'dne', 'dnc', 'target', 'totviz', 'tos', 'pageviz', 'lastact', 'country', 'splz', 'leadsrc', 'curoccp', 'reason', 'srch', 'mag', 'newsart', 'edforum', 'newsad', 'digitalad', 'reco', 'updates', 'tag', 'leadquality', 'supchncont', 'dmcontent', 'leadprofile', 'city', 'asymactidx', 'asymprofidx', 'asymactscr', 'asymprofscr', 'chkpay', 'freecp', 'lastnotact'], dtype='object')
['leadnum', 'origin', 'dne', 'dnc', 'lastact', 'country', 'splz', 'leadsrc', 'curoccp', 'reason', 'srch', 'mag', 'newsart', 'edforum', 'newsad', 'digitalad', 'reco', 'updates', 'tag', 'leadquality', 'supchncont', 'dmcontent', 'leadprofile', 'city', 'asymactidx', 'asymprofidx', 'chkpay', 'freecp', 'lastnotact']
100*df.loc[:, null_cat_vars].isnull().sum()/ len(df)
origin 0.389610 lastact 1.114719 country 26.634199 splz 15.562771 leadsrc 23.885281 curoccp 29.112554 reason 29.318182 tag 36.287879 leadquality 51.590909 leadprofile 29.318182 city 15.367965 asymactidx 45.649351 asymprofidx 45.649351 dtype: float64
null_cat_vars= df.loc[:, cat_vars].isnull().sum()[df.loc[:, cat_vars].isnull().sum()> 0].index.tolist()
['lastact', 'country', 'splz', 'leadsrc', 'curoccp', 'reason', 'tag', 'leadquality', 'leadprofile', 'city', 'asymactidx', 'asymprofidx']
count 9204 unique 21 top Google freq 2868 Name: origin, dtype: object
0 Google dtype: object
df.origin.value_counts(normalize=False, dropna=True)
Google 2868 Direct Traffic 2543 Olark Chat 1755 Organic Search 1154 Reference 534 Welingak Website 142 Referral Sites 125 Facebook 55 bing 6 google 5 Click2call 4 Press_Release 2 Social Media 2 Live Chat 2 NC_EDM 1 welearnblog_Home 1 blog 1 Pay per Click Ads 1 testone 1 youtubechannel 1 WeLearn 1 Name: origin, dtype: int64
df.origin.fillna(df.origin.mode(), inplace=True)
hi_nulls= df.loc[:, null_cat_vars].isnull().sum()[100*df.loc[:, null_cat_vars].isnull().sum()/ len(df) > 30].index.tolist()
df.loc[:, null_cat_vars].isnull().sum()[100*df.loc[:, null_cat_vars].isnull().sum()/len(df) > 30].index.tolist()
['tag', 'leadquality', 'asymactidx', 'asymprofidx']
df.drop(hi_nulls, axis=1, inplace= True)
cat_vars = list(set(cat_vars)- set(hi_nulls))
['origin', 'updates', 'mag', 'curoccp', 'edforum', 'reco', 'srch', 'lastnotact', 'reason', 'splz', 'country', 'lastact', 'chkpay', 'city', 'newsart', 'dnc', 'digitalad', 'supchncont', 'newsad', 'leadnum', 'leadsrc', 'dmcontent', 'freecp', 'dne', 'leadprofile']
0 5679 1 3561 Name: target, dtype: int64
origin 36 updates 0 mag 0 curoccp 2690 edforum 0 reco 0 srch 0 lastnotact 0 reason 2709 splz 1438 country 2461 lastact 103 chkpay 0 city 1420 newsart 0 dnc 0 digitalad 0 supchncont 0 newsad 0 leadnum 0 leadsrc 2207 dmcontent 0 freecp 0 dne 0 leadprofile 2709 dtype: int64
sns.catplot(x="target", col="city", col_wrap=4,
kind="count", height=3, aspect=.8)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f5239329350>
Google 0.311604 Direct Traffic 0.276293 Olark Chat 0.190678 Organic Search 0.125380 Reference 0.058018 Welingak Website 0.015428 Referral Sites 0.013581 Facebook 0.005976 bing 0.000652 google 0.000543 Click2call 0.000435 Press_Release 0.000217 Social Media 0.000217 Live Chat 0.000217 NC_EDM 0.000109 welearnblog_Home 0.000109 blog 0.000109 Pay per Click Ads 0.000109 testone 0.000109 youtubechannel 0.000109 WeLearn 0.000109 Name: origin, dtype: float64
df['origin']= df.origin.str.lower()
df.origin.value_counts(normalize=True)[df.origin.value_counts(normalize=True) < .1].index
Index(['reference', 'welingak website', 'referral sites', 'facebook', 'bing', 'click2call', 'live chat', 'press_release', 'social media', 'welearnblog_home', 'blog', 'testone', 'youtubechannel', 'nc_edm', 'pay per click ads', 'welearn'], dtype='object')
smalls= df.origin.value_counts(normalize=True)[df.origin.value_counts(normalize=True) < .1].index.tolist()
small_map= dict(zip(smalls, (len(smalls)*'others ').split(' ')[:-1]))
dict(zip(smalls, (len(smalls)*'others ').split(' ')[:-1]))
{'bing': 'others', 'blog': 'others', 'click2call': 'others', 'facebook': 'others', 'live chat': 'others', 'nc_edm': 'others', 'pay per click ads': 'others', 'press_release': 'others', 'reference': 'others', 'referral sites': 'others', 'social media': 'others', 'testone': 'others', 'welearn': 'others', 'welearnblog_home': 'others', 'welingak website': 'others', 'youtubechannel': 'others'}
df['origin']= df.origin.map(small_map).fillna(df.origin)
google 2873 direct traffic 2543 olark chat 1755 organic search 1154 others 879 Name: origin, dtype: int64
sns.catplot(x="target", col="origin", col_wrap=2,
kind="count", height=5, aspect=1)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f5238f04a50>
The following references are being offered to the class aas these haven't been covered in the class due to the data set or the advanced nature.
You may want to take look an see if you need them for your Term Project